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Showing posts from March, 2024

Minimise Z (Coding Ninjas)

Problem statement Given an array ‘A’. Your task is to choose any two different elements of the array say ‘X’ and ‘Y’, such that ‘Z’ is minimum possible. Where ‘Z’ = ‘X’ × ’Y’. Return the minimum possible value of ‘Z’. Example: ‘N’ = [5, 3, 9, 6, 3] ‘X’ can be chosen as 3(index 1) and ‘Y’ can be chosen as 3(index 4). 'Z' = 3*3 = 9. No other combination can have a smaller value of ‘Z’. Detailed explanation  ( Input/output format, Notes, Images ) Constraints: 1 <= ‘T’ <= 10 2 <= ‘N’ <= 10^5 -10^4 <= ‘A[i]’ <= 10^4 Time Limit: 1 sec Sample Input 1: 2 6 -6 10 -1 2 10 -1 7 -7 5 -1 -4 -10 -8 10 Sample Output 1: -60 -100 Explanation of sample input 1: For 1st Testcase : ‘X’ can be chosen as -6(index 0) and ‘Y’ can be chosen as 10(index 1). 'Z' = -6*10 = -60. No other combination can have a smaller value of ‘Z’. For 2nd Testcase : ‘X’ can be chosen as -10(index 4) and ‘Y’ can be chosen as 10(index 6). 'Z' = -10*10 = -100. No other combination can ...